
1. Dashboard Overview

1. Dashboard Overview
Your Customer Dashboard is depicted above. To learn about your Dashboard features simply click on the blue Info Number symbols. When you click on an Info Number you will be taken to the section in this Tutorial that tells you about the feature you selected. To return to this Dashboard Main page click the Info Number again.

Your Account Number

1. Your Account Number
This is your account number. Be sure to reference it if you need to call Customer Support

Approximate last bill

2. Approximate last bill
This is the approximate amount of your last water bill.

Approximate bill for the current month

3. Approximate bill for the current month
Your dashboard shows a bill calculated from the beginning of each month. Your actual billing period may start at a different day hence it may be slightly higher or lower than shown here.

How your bill is calculated

4. How your bill is calculated
When you click on the Information icon this table will display. This table indicates how your water bill is calculated. As you can see the cost of water is quite a bargain!

Your personal settings

5. Your personal settings
When you click on the Settings icon you a screen will pop up with the following tab options:
This displays the  account and personal information on record.
Here you can change your password
In this tab you can create a contact list of people or services that you want to notify if you have a water related problem

Day Selector

6. Day Selector
When you select the down arrow on the Day Selector you can change the daily water use chart to show previous days... This is a great way to quickly compare water use and costs from day to day.

Displayed Units

7. Displayed Units
You have two choices of measuring units for you water use charts, gallons and HCF. An HCF is 748 gallons and it is the unit of measure that is used to calculate your water bill.

Water usage and cost chart

8. Water usage and cost chart
Your Today's water use graph will grow during theday. each hour you will see a new reading displayed.

Water left in today's budget

9. Water left in today's budget
As the current day progress and you use water the water in the glass will go down. The remaining water in the glass represents the remaining water left in your daily budget. Don't worry when the glass is empty you will still have water. If you are over budget on a day you can always make it up by staying within budget other days..

Active Alerts that need your attention

10. Active Alerts that need your attention
All of your efforts to be an efficient water consumer can go down the drain (literally) if you have a leak or inadvertently leave water running. To help minimize the water waste from these kinds of events you can sett alarms that will notify you by email and/or text to let you know something is wrong. When an alert occurs it will show up on the right side of your screen under the Alert center. To look at your alert in detail simply click on the top bar of the Alert Center. When you do this is what you will see:
If you want to dismiss the Alert all you have to do is click on the Acknowledge button on the right side of the Alert. If you want to forward this Alert to someone, (an example would be your plumber), just Click on the Forward Alert button and then select from your contact list who you want the Alert forward to. You can add a special message to the alert if you want to provide information to the person or company your are forwarding the Alert to. When you click on Forward Alert this is what you will see.
To set alert levels select the Alert Limits tab at the top of the Alert Manager. There are two types of limit conditions you can set: Flow Duration and Flow Volume. To set a limit click on the Alert Symbol for the limit you want to set.
When you select an Alert Symbol the Alert Settings screen will display:

Chart for the last seven days

The Daily Chart  at the center of the Dashboard will display your last seven days of water consumption compared to the daily goals that wrere set. If you move your mouse pointer over the cgart you will see the goal and usage values display from each past day.

Monthly water use and goals

The Monthly Chart at the bottom of the Dashboard will display your last six months of water consumption compared to the monthly goals.. If you move your mouse pointer over the chart you will see the goal and usage values display from each past month. To the right of the monthly chart are three bars that represent the water use for your property for this year and the last two years. To the right of the yearly bars is a glass that shows how much water you have left in your total budget for the year.

Send a Message

13. Send a Message
You can send a message to customer service by clicking on the "Drop a Message" icon. When you click on the icon the message window will pop up.
To send a message to Customer Service click on Start a Conversation and enter your message.  After you enter your message click on the paper airplane icon on the right and your message will be sent.

Explore Usage

14. Explore Usage
If you want to take a deep dive into your water use for any period of time click on the Explore icon on the left side of your Dashboard.

Dashboard Share

15. Dashboard Share
You can share your Dashboard with anyone you choose. This could be your landscape manager, your pumber, or your property manager. This allows them to see what you see and to take action if water use suggests that you have a problem.

Set Use Goals

16. Set Use Goals
Here is where you set your water water use goals. There are three ways you can set your goals for each month.
  • Historic Monthly Average: This is where a goal can be set using your past usage for each month times a percentage increase or decrease that you want to apply.
  • Fixed; This is where you apply a fixed target for each month
  • Water Bill Target: This is where you put in a dollar amount that you want to say within each month.

Water Saving Tips

17. Water Saving Tips
On the Mission Springs Water District web site are tips that can help you save water. To go to the Your Agency Tips page click on this icon.

Pay your Bill Online

18. Pay your Bill Online
To pay your water bill click on this icon and you will be directed to the  Agency Pay My Bill page.

Contact Water Agency

19. Contact Water Agency
For all contact information at  your Water Agency click on this icon.
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